Seit 1650


Our winery is ranked among the oldest-established winegrowing estates near the Mosel River and looks back at a long history. Since 1650 as family property, even generations later we feel highly committed to produce quality. Between tradition and new ideas our wines have sought the spotlight for several years now. Behold the premier location of our winery and let yourself be charmed by our wines.


is working harmony with nature. Thus we set a high value on the natural cultivation of our vineyards. Artificial fertilizers have been replaced by dung and bio-compost. In the cellar we focus on the gentle treatment of grapes and must, which mostly is fermented in the classical "Fuder" (1.000 liters) oak barrels 80% of our wines are ideal diner companions available in dry or half dry flavour. Other specialities of our winery are premium noble rot Selections and Ice-wines that have attracted international attention many a time. Furthermore our sparkling wines, traditionally made by bottle fermenting, gained ample recognition. Over the year the consequent following of Bernhard Werner's maxim "Only if you constantly produce top-quality you will some day be a top winemaker" has earned him national and international awards.


Das Weingut heute

Bernhard Werner

Revolutionist and sensualist - since 1987 Margret and Bernhard Werner have managed the winery "Werner & Son" independently. As initial member and founding chairman for many years of the "Leiwen Young Winemakers Society" Bernhard Werner still ranks among the advocates of uncompromised quality, particularly with Riesling and its varieties lie his passion. Since he is a hobby cook, who attaches great importance to good meals and good wine, it does not surprise us that many of his wines are ideal companions to fine meals.

Margret Werner-Beierlorzer

comes from the gastronomy. As a trained hotel manager, she was able to gain experience at first-class addresses such as restaurant management at the Platzl Hotel in Munich, as Maître d`Hotel at Le Gavroche (3 stars Michelin) in London, and most recently again in restaurant management at Käfer in Munich. Love has brought her to the Mosel. Her love of wine is older, as wine buying was often one of her duties. Today, she is actually responsible for everything at the winery. Mainly, of course, entrusted with the marketing of the wines and the care of customers and guests, but she is also just as present in the vineyards when it is necessary. Last but not least, her sensitive wine tongue is indispensable when the winemaker tends to be a little bit blind.